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tv   Studio B With Shepard Smith  FOX News  April 11, 2013 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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ensure! nutrition in charge! mother jones reporter is refusing to comment on this report we aired that progress kentucky are the ones responsible for taping senator mitch mcconnell. he says it is a confidential source. thanks for watching. >> shepard: the news begins anew on "studio b." violence, demol lisching homes, and now the storms are on the move. we'll have a complete update for you. jodi arias has something to say from jail. the woman who can't remember stabbing her love has apparently asked her friend to send tweets on her behalf. a look at the accused killer's court commentary coming. the national hockey league joining rights with the gay
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rights group. that's all ahead unless breaking news changeses everything. >> first at 3:00, today is historic. that from the connecticut democratic senator richard blumenthal after some potentially sweeping changes to in the in nation's gun laws past their first test in senate. the senate cleared the way for a debate on a major gun control bill. it's what is known as cloture vote. the senate bill would expand background checks, crack down on gun trafficking and authorizing a prom for school safety. senator mitch mcconnell argued it would not help to keep firearms out of the hands of criminals. >> this will ultimately pun injury harass our neighbors and friends and family,. >> shepard: many others point to recent polls which show a vast
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majority of americans do indeed support stronger background checks. families of some of the sandy hook victims watched from the gallery. one sister says the bill does not go far, especially banning assault rifles. >> they leave baseball size holes in somebody's skin. this is not okay. >> shepard: she went on to say that talking to family and friends of the victims likely helped awake summon senators. mike is live on capitol hill. anybody claiming victory? >> not exactly but those trying to advance a gun control measure seem to be pleased they got 68 votes in the senate, including 16 republicans to clear a procedural hurdle. when the issue comes 'forday bit in the senate, the first amendment they will look at is one negotiated between pat
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toomey of pennsylvania and joe menon, a democrat from west. it expands background checks to gun shows and preserving personal deals. >> the nra will try to throw all kinds of amendments at us, and we're going to have to work really hard to prevent them from being added to the bill. so we have to do two things. move the ball forward, and and get some good things done, particularly on background checks. >> now to be clear, some republicans who voted yes today said they were voting yes in order to debate this very important issue. they weren't necessarily voting yes to do more gun control, shep. >> shepard: what are we hearing out of the house of representatives? >> the house speaker does not want to be rushed by his colleagues in the senate. john boehner said the house well
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review what whatever he senate passed. >> our hearts and prayer goes out to the families of the victims, and i fully expect that the house will act. but to make a blanket commitment without knowing what the underlying bill is would be irresponsible on my part. reporter: so, at hysterics house leadership is taking a wait and see approach 0 to see what the senate is able to get done on a hut-button issue on capitol hill. >> shepard: well, two little boys thought their suspected kidnapping ordeal was a caribbean vacation. that's what they grandparents are telling us. and the kids had no clue that cops accused their own parents of abducting them. the grandparents faced reporters since police say the parents kidnapped them and took the boys
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to cuba on a sailboat. the father lost custody after gun and drug charges. cuba was quick to return the children to the united states, and their parents face a judge in florida. but grandma says the boys, who were two and four years old, don't need to know about that. she even asked reporters to keep it quiet before bringing them out. >> we are trying very hard to shield the boys from media coverage, and we want them to get back to normal, everyday schedules, and just be carefree little biz. >> it's clear that did not take long as the pair hammed it up for the reporters. steve is in the south florida news room. looks like they're doing fine. reporter: doctors examined the two boys, age four and two, on the flight back from cuba. they were said to be fine. the grandparents said they're happy and playing normally as well. the brought them out briefly to demonstrate they were doing well.
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but only after a stern warning from the sheriff's office that none of the media assembled on the lawn mentioned the word kidnapping. >> keep in mind, these children are two years old and four years old. they're babies. they think that they just had a trip to cuba. they think that this was just a vacation. they don't have the full scope of the understanding of what has happened. so, please, don't ask anything or don't say anything regarding what has happened over the last two weeks. reporter: for now the maternal grandparents have custody of the two boys. one week ago the grandmother was zip tied in her own 0 house by her son-in-law. >> they parents were before the judge and have had their parental rights severed. so this is accussd criminals and their victims.
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oning which which could complicate matters, weapons were found on the sailboat, including an assault arrival. so the charge of kidnapping could carry a life sentence for the parents. >> shepard: steve, thank you. and extreme weather alert now. officials say a tornado has killed at least one person in mississippi and left several others injured. it's part of a violent storm system sweeping across the country in missouri, the governor declared a state of emergency. a reported twister ripped through a town outside st. louis. the wind ransacked homes and left families scrambling to take cover. >> looked out my front door, and i just see the -- you can just see the wind and feel is coming. >> things sounded like they let loose before us. things were hitting the house and sounded like a train and then it was done. >> the stormed moved into the south. this is extra arkansas.
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the town is up there on the upper left of the screen. the parent tornado bulldozing through a tractor-trailer. it's cab crushed. the windshield wiper still at it. the been storm still raging. >> inside this church in arkansas, ceiling tiles crashed to the floor. the roofed tangled up in the pews. we have not heard about anybody being killed. right now millions moore people are in the storm's past and like is watching it. what's it looking like? >> we have 24 hours more before the storm is pushed off shore. so if you are on this side of the that line of storms you still have this coming. if you're on the west side, you're okay. this is the biggest line of storms moving in. but all these areas discrete
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cells could turn tornadic. three different kindergarten watches, one until 3:00 p.m., a new one until 8:00 p.m. in the pensacola area, and one across northern and central alabama, one tornado warning in effect in mississippi. these are severe and not tornadic. but to the north of this it's now got a severe thunderstorm warning in effect. and that cell caused the fatility to the southeast of the philadelphia area. so we still have a good nuther 24 hours, this is where we have the threat today and overnight, and tomorrow early and mid-day across the mid-atlantic. we steph hail 24 hours of severe weather. >> shepard: there is a flood threat? >> yes. so many people have been getting
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so much significant rain. this is a look at the last 4 hours. your see the yell lows lows and oranges in red. some places over three inches, falling quickly. so flood warnings in effect. everywhere you see this bright green color thoser flood warnings, and to the north we have some pretty good rain across areas of the ohio rivervale and great lakes, and snow melt. so we have flooding concerns there as well. >> shepard: a busy day in the weather center. there might be a brand new reason to hate the irs. we love the irs. they're great. right? yeah. just days ago, until our taxes are due -- our civil rights group is asking, one of them, are some tax collectors reading your e-mails, twitter, facebook accounts without a warrant, and not telling you? the judge is in. judge andrew napolitano where l
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>> tax day less than a week care and the american civil liberties union is looking into whether the irs is reading more than your tax returns. a freedom of information act request is whether theirs is reading your e-mail. there are many layers to the story. jonathan hunt has been looking into it. at the very least the irs rules are unclear. >> this is a lot more complicated we thought it what win we first looked at the headlines this morning. here's something from the internal revenue manual, written in 2009, quote: the government may obtain the contents of an electronic communication that has been in storage for more than 180 days using a search warrant, court order, or a grand
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jury subpoena, oar administrative summons. the aclu attorney believes that sense should end at "search warrant." the problem here is the administrative summons. that essentially means that two irs agents can talk to each other decide these e-mails are relevant and then go to the internet service provider and say, we need those e-mails. it's just them deciding that. that's the problem here, they don't have to bring in the court. on the other hand, the internet service provider in most cases say they will not hand over the information without a search warrant. so it's not black and white but is the area of gray that are of concern shep what is the irs saying? >> they're not saying anything. we reached out to irs officials. say stay said they may send a statement. the aclu put out a statement, pair raising the work -- paraphrasing the work of the
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attorney saying, quote, the irs should tell the public whether it always gets a warrant to access e-mail and other private communications in the course of criminal yes is,, -- criminal investigations, and if they do not get a warrant it should change its policy to always require one. so in the view of the aclu it is black and white, tell us where you always get a search warrant or not. >> shepard: let's bring in judge napolitano. i'm confused. >> it is very complexion. so a couple of basics. the irs does not have the time or the inclination willy nilly to start reading people's e-mails. we're talking about cases where the irs believes there's criminal fraud involved so they're criminal investigationses. a very, very, very tiny percentage of taxpayers may be involved in being investigated
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for crimes by the irs. what does the irs do in order to get information to build a case against these taxpayers? supposed to use a search warrant, but according to the regulations, there are circumstances under which it can go to the service provider, the commuter company and say these e-mail have not been deleted. don't you think this person doesn't care if anybody reads them, they wouldn't leave them there for 180 days? so we'll give you a subpoena. i'm authorizing my irs colleague to take these e-mails from you. now, the person who put the e-mails there received it, opened it, didn't delete it, may never know that these e-mails have been taken by the irs. because they may not form the basis a criminal prosecution. may be used against this person and just go on with their merry life. the only way this comess into play is if in the irs wants to use a court of law these
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e-mails. then the irs has to explain judge hough they got it, and then the judge will say, well, how is that consistent with the fourth named you at any time come to me and ask for a search want? you just took it. >> shepard: so many more instances of elements of the government or authority figures in this country getting into our stuff. we -- our stuff. >> we learned earlier the irs is using the social media. that's lawful. if i put something on my social media for nobody look at who logs on to that, at the irs can look at it. >> that's saying out loud to ahrens agent. >> so that's actually a prudent thing for the irs to too. but what the aclu in my view, quite properly, wants to know is, are you following your own regulations which tell you how to get around the fourth amendment are or you following the four amendment? and theirs has not answered question the question.
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>> what happens next, anybody they suspect of cheating, they just drone them. >> i don't think the irs wants to do that but their colleagues in homeland security did. >> if they want drones everybody should have a drone. someone just -- thank you. >> you're welcome, my friend. >> shepard: a major professional sports league announced a decision concerning gay rights. details coming up. plus, investigators in texas trying to determine a cause of this crazy bus crash today, sending dozens of people to hospitals and two people tide not make it out alive. that's ahead. my mother made the best toffee in the world.
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>> shepard: at least two people are report dead after this bus crash in tbs that left rescuers
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struggling to reach trapped passengers. the bus started weaving across the highway, hit a concrete barrier, and scraped to a stop right there on its side. those witnesses described a really gruesome scene. injured passengers piled on top of one another. desperate screams as crews try to pull people through win doze. 0 -- 30 people are in hospital. do they know how this happened, casey? >> moments before impact people on the bus reported hear something type of a popping noise. so there's been early speculation from officials on the ground that perhaps a tire blew and caused the driver to lose control. amazing it did not cause a massive pileup bought because it happened on a very busy road
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near dfw airport. we saw medical helicopters landing. drives who saul the whole thing helped pull people from the wreckage before first responders even got there officials with the ntsb have been dispatched to investigate the cause. >> shepard: anything of interest from the charter bus company? >> a company called cardinal coach lines, and it's locally owned and operated here in north texas. the oregons were at the scene -- owners were at the scene talking to investigators and they have an excellent safety records. zero accidents or moving violations in the 20 years it's been in operation. the bus driver was among those seriously hurt and taken to the hospital. >> we're going to take a look at everything from the company itself to the bus itself 0, to the drive to the roadway
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conditions. we'll interview all the witnesses, not only on the bus bought motorists around the bus as well. >> we understand that it's also standard operating procedure to test the driver for drugs and alcohol. shep? >> shepard: casey, thanks much. the national hockey league made an historic move to fight homophobia in sports and this comes amid lots of talk that a number of pro football players may come out as gay on the same day. that's the word. nothing confirmed. the nhl announced an official partner ship with a gray rights group, you can play project to give teams training and counseling on gay issues. it's the first major professional sports league to do so the. officials say the league will work to create public service announcements. the nhl commissioner says the deal should make it clear that pro hockey is open to everybody. >> to the extent that somebody might feel that there would be a stigma attached, we're trying to set the tone and send the
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message that you can be welcome, you will be included, and that diversity is a strength. >> in 2011 the national football league banned discrimination bases on sexual orientation. the nba has similaries. >> jodi arias now, and we're hearing from her in her own words. weeks after she took the stand to testify about shooting her boyfriend in the head, now it seems she it guessing help with tweeting as well. coming up as we approach the bottom of the hour and the top of the news from "studio b." miralax or metamucil may take days to work. or faster relief, try dulcolax laxative tablets. dulcolax provides gentle relief overnight unlike miralax and metamucil that can take up to 3 days. for predictable relief try dulcolax. and these come together, one thing you can depend on is that these will come together. delicious and wholesome. some combinations were just meant to be.
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>> shepard: jodi arias has apparently made arrangements to tweet from behind bars. 45 days into their murder trial the woman accused of stabbing her ex-boyfriend 27 times, shooting him and slitting his throat, is providing her own brand of analysis. here's one recent tweet which seems to call out the prosecutor. he who tries to establish his point by much yelling shows that his reasoning is weak. and another quick thought, no boyfriend, enough of that humor. remember, jodi arias says she shot her ex in self confident but can't remember the rest of it, the stabbing and throat slit. she can't physically tweet from jail so she is getting help. >> yes. we have done this story before a
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few years ago, inmates tweeting between friend. same thing in jail, donovan bearing does the tweeting. she has 2674 followers, and she has put out things like, calling the prosecutor or insinuating the prosecutor has little man syndrome. our cameras caught up with don serena and she was asked be the tweeting. >> she'd say i have a quote, i want to talk about it. sometimes she'll say, let's tweet,, or we won't. >> and a twitter wasn't enough. there's artwork that jodi arias is putting on lawn, and the recent work, charcoal drawing of
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an hour glass. she is charging 2500 tuesday. >> shepard: unbelievable. the defense has an expert that been on the stand for something like 15 years, right? >> every witness is on for about 15 or 16 years. the good news is they have done redirect, so the defendant team had a chance to rebuild the case. they just win to lunch. the final comment of the domestic violence abuse expert said jodi arias was mentally and physically abused by travis alexander but right before the break she said, jodi arias is not a liar. >> even all of these lies she told, after being -- 2008, do they define her for you? do they cause you problems in her beliefability? >> no, they don't. >> why is that? >> because if miss arias was a really good liar, she would have
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planned a really good lie, and she didn't. >> that's going to be an interesting comment right there. the last comment we heard from the witness before they went to lunch. the jury has a chance to ask her questions, and you know the prosecute will asks to the questions. and the question is jodi arias had some bad lies. >> shepard: thanks. if she were a really good liar, she would have planned a really good lie. her parents told the police she hadn't told them the truth since she was 14 years old. sometimes i wonder why we're going through this. criminal death attorney heather honson is with this. this thing has gone on and on and on and on. i don't know. as an outside observer, the evidence seems to shut what? >> from everyone who is watching, seems to suggest she is guilty. >> she
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democrats are slamming some changes. last night presidentuñ?ñ? obamad dipper at the white house with a dozen senators forpfñ?ñ?ñ a taln cutting the deficit. officials called the dipper$ñ?ñ- dinner constructive. mos,>y
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>> this comes athe regime in the north could test-fire a new missile. the question now, is there anything the united states can do to stop the north koreans wore other would do even. a live report is next. charles schwab, we've committed to setting the bar high by going low. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 like offering schwab etfs tdd# 1-800-345-2550 with the lowest operating expenses tdd# 1-800-345-2550 in their respective lipper categories -- tdd# 1-800-345-2550 lower than ishares tdd# 1-800-345-2550 and vanguard. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 and with all our etfs commission-free tdd# 1-800-345-2550 when traded online in a schwab account, tdd# 1-800-345-2550 it leaves our investors with more money to invest. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 something they've come to count on with us. tdd# 1-800-345-2550
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fees and expenses apply. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 anncr: and many of the tornado's victims are... without homes tonight. girl: first, i saw it on cable. then i read about it online. i found out how to help. i downloaded the info. i spoke up... and told my friends... and they told their friends... and together, we made a difference. anncr: and tornado relief has been pouring in from... across the country. girl: we might be hundreds of miles apart... but because we're connected, it's like we're all neighbors. >> shepard: just in. a u.s. official report it's likely that the north koreans conducted three launch tests today. the they raced the launcher, and
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they have powerful strucking means. and that's a quote. jennifer is live at the pentagon. what do they think this is? >> well, essentially what we're sayings a lot of movement. they've now raised the missile. it's a prelaunch check, we're told. doesn't mean they're about to launch but means they could launch at any time. that's what we have been told by pentagon officials. right now it does not -- chuck hagel was on the hill this morning and he was asked whether this meant that the -- well, whether the north koreans could actually reach the u.s. with their missiles. he said, not yet. here is his response. >> i don't believe that neither of those countries has that capacity right now. now, does that mean they won't have it or they can't have it or they're not working on it? no. and that's why this is a very
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dangerous situation. >> in terms of conventional missiles, he can still cause damage. today north korea announced the missiles were put on, quote, for standby of launch and the quadants of targets have been entered. >> has anybody fished oust what lil' kim's goal is in all this? >> well, no. they don't know what his goal is, but james clapper, the chief of u.s. intelligence and the thought this was an effort to consolidate power. here's what he said. >> much of the rhetoric, all of the bell illini rant critic is for an internal and external audience. but i think first and foremost, it's to show that he is firmly in control north korea.
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>> secretary of state john kerr where -- kerry will arrive in seoul and then goes on to china. it will be interesting to see if kim decides to test while secretary of state kerry is right there in his own backyard. >> wouldn't surprise me unlittle bit. >> how big a deal is this? this is morse north korea blues -- bluster. teeter go -- peter, go to see you. a lot of people i talked to analysts and watchers, seem to think he has an internal problem. there's a power struggle going on here. does that make sense? >> it's possible. he could be insecure. i don't know there's a power struggle going on but i do agree that in all likelihood he is trying to create a crisis to
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strengthen his hold on power. >> he has done that effectively. his predecessors have done that eeffectively but his predecessors always seemed to have a way out, and if lil' came has way out, nobody seems to be able to figure out what it is. in other words, a trap door so he dent have to follow through with these promises which he clearly cannot keep. >> the north koreans have a holiday coming up honor's kim's grandfather, and of course they have tried to fashion the young kim and his -- mother in this grandfather's image than his hiss father. so that could be part of it. i think we have to expect he'll probably fire this missile, as long as it hits ocean at the end of the trajectory, we have seen that before as well. the real danger here is an action, a reaction, and then some kind of cycle where we don't quite know where it ends. >> shepard: i'm assuming all the nations involved here, the united states, and troops in the south korea, the south korea
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leadership are all trying to figure out how no to jump off a cliff if somebody weird happies. >> sure. i agree about the timing about this. if kerry is in beijing when kim fires a missile that will be a significant loss of face for the chinese and that could be a very significant development. >> shepard: because the chinese are about all north korea has. if china wanted to north korea to stop all this, china could make that happen-couldn't it? >> well, china -- is best positioned to have a stern conversation with north corearch but there's no indication that younger kim is listening to the chinese in the way his father did. but there's a debate going on within beijing about having kim jong-un as its bff. it's bad for business and this could accelerate that debate if they put the chinese on the spot. >> you wonder if the chinese wouldn't be interested in some regime change over there?
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>> i don't think they're interested in regime change. the last thing the chinese want is instability and uncertainty but they have the ability to pull back support, which could hurt kim. >> shepard: we have buckets full of insecurity these days. hopefully we'll make it past the anniversary. that would be monday morning their team, which would be sunday night about 7:00 our time. i plan too be out of the country good see you. >> okay. >> shepard: another day, another possible record for the dow. stocks once again are on the rise and we're on the way, it would appear, to another dow record. look at that. it's every day. if this closest aboveheart this will be above water this is the 14th record since the first of march. >> cops are telling us why a gunman took the firefighters
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hostage before s.w.a.t. teams took town the gunman. an extraordinary series of events last night during fox report. used a contractor before and didn't know where to start. at angie's list, you'll find reviews on everything from home repair to healthcare written by people just like you. no company can pay to be on angie's list, so you can trust what you're reading. angie's list is like having thousands of close neighbors where i can go ask for personal recommendations. that's the idea. before you have any work done, check angie's list. from roofers to plumbers to dentists and more, angie's list -- reviews you can trust. i love you, angie. sorry, honey.
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>> shepard: continuing coverage of breaking weather news. this video from kemper county, mississippi, the far eastern side of the state. they had a tornado and when came through here it destroyed mobile homes, uprooted trees, overturned an 18-wheeler. the county sheriff is telling us that. one person is said to have tied in this tornado in kemper county, mississippi, and several others injured.
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this is the first video from the area. it's a rural area. we're hoping for more soon. the -- there are massive storm warnings, alabama and right up the country. rate worth a check of the local. if you live in these areas, we haven't been through this in a while. this is the beginning of spring storms and this thing is awful. we're getting reports from up and down. if a it's -- if it's headed your way, seek shelter. this is a bad spring storm. s.w.a.t. teams have stormed a home in georgia. happened last night during fox report. they shot a man dead after police say that man had held some firefighters hostage for hours. as i mentioned it happened 40 miles north and east of atlanta in the town of swanee, georgia. firefighters responded to the or the of a empty emergency, and then there's this guy, arm, and demands the officials turn back on his cable, internet, and cell
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phone service. is house was in foreclosure, and they turned he -- the utilities off me and wanted them back. >> they answer hundreds of calls every day. there's no way they would know. and as long as all of us have been in this business, we have never, ever, ever hurt of firefighters being taken hostage. >> the gun main said he targeted the because cops should have shot him had he tried to take them hostage. >> march might have been a speed bump for the jobs market. that's what some analysts are saying. the latest job numbers are good. the number of americans filing for unemployment benefits dropped down, down 42,000. and the 401k good news, the dow us on track for a record push, it would close in record territory for the 14th time
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since march. it just keeps going. >> it is written. we're looking at a third straight record close of the dow jones industrial average. 15,000 in our sights. this is the 14th record close since march 5th. defense stocks have been among the leading gainers in this rally the last couple of weeks. usually you buy from the defense stocks when the market is down. laos week we saw a spike in laos week we saw a spike in unemployment but we're still on [ male announcer ] what are happy kids made of?
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to treat my low testosterone, my doctor and i went with axiron, the only underarm low t treatment. axiron can restore t levels to normal in about 2 weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer; worsening prostate symptoms; decreased sperm count; ankle, feet or body swelling; enlarged or painful breasts; problems breathing while sleeping; and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased d blood cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about the only underarm low t treatment, axiron.
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and then there's this. a woman in chicago is batting the city over parking tickets. she left her car at an employee parking lot at o'hare but says her ex-boyfriend parked the car there the problem is this, the car sat in the spot, collecting tickets for nearly three years, and now the city would like to collect its $105,000 in fines. the car is only worth 600 bucks. the judge is trying to get each side to come up with a settlement: >> so the dow did the right thing, kept going up, up, up, all day long and it's still up. up 63 now and i feel like they


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